Here comes a similar problem:
Question for witech2.0 j2534. Autel maxyflash pro j2534 device is connected, everything is registered and subscriptions are assigned.
Drivers and everything is updated.
My problem is that when I try to connect the j2534 to a Jeep Compass 2018 I loose connection, and it appears an error.
It shows in the laptop in the bottom of the picture that PassThru connect error.
I can’t get connection to update bcm.
I plug the j2534 into a Dodge Dart 2016 and I get a connection and works fine.
But in the jeep compass I can’t. Any solution?
2018+ FCA has FD-CAN (CAN FD) protocol. Need to buy drewtech or something close nowadays.
Old Maxiflash j2534 does not support CAN FD.
Some interfaces will not be able to work if not certified to work with witech 2.0. You work a mongose plus of Chrysler a cardaq, MDI, VCM- Ford are few the j2534 that are certified to work with Whitech 2.0. If connect mdi, the same software disconnects you as the same tea is happening to you.
Need to buy drewtech mongoose or new JVCI+ J2534 the new one from Autel which covers more features. The new autel im608 pro 2 has FD CAN.
In older car models it lets you plug in and do programming, newer models have to be another CAN FD interface.
You also need new-ish laptops with windows 10 will meet the requirements of witech 2.0. IF you only intend to use the partition or computer for 2010+ WiTECH 2.0 software, and not the included Legacy 2009 and older programmer, NO JAVA IS NEEDED! The very specific version of Java is only needed if files are to be downloaded.