Foxflash Bench Box Self-Test Guide

Is there a way to test foxflash bench box if the bench box has no connection?

The main box work with obd and dorect connect bench.


Connect the bench box to the foxflash tool and power it through th round jack of the bench box itself or from the round jack of the foxflash tool.

Foxflash Bench Box Self Test 1

Run foxflash manager

Select Tools Bench Mode->Test for Bench Boxes->Test Bench Box V2

Foxflash Bench Box Self Test 2

This driver is useful for testing the Bench box.
During the test
-the relays will be triggered at different speeds
-the red LED will flash several times


Press Start Test

Foxflash Bench Box Self Test 3

Foxflash Bench Box Self Test 4

Bench box self-test finished.

Foxflash Bench Box Self Test 5

If bench box self-test result is fine, but software has no communication, the problem can be the voltage, ecu or wiring connection.