Foxflash Not Start No FTDI Driver Repair

Some people experiencing the same problem with their foxflash tool. It worked fine but suddenly wouldn’t start. Open FoxFlash Manager and then click Activate, nothing happens. Change another PC still no luck.


If your Foxflash only shows USB serial to converter, ftdi is probably deleted.  If usb device doesn’t show as “Dfox” but USB Serial Converter instead, the device is not recognized.

We have discussed this in the previous post. That’s because the “version.dll” file in dfb folder has been eaten by the anti-virus program. Downloading this file will solve the problem.

How to Solve Foxflash “Execute Download with DFBTech” Error?

An expert from DK found another solution.

Just sharing for purpose. Credit to SonyPS3 from DK forum. You are at your risk because this solution uses kt200 program. We don’t hold the responsibility for the damage. 


He writes with Mprog ftdi from old FGtechGalleto V54 and then repair it with FoxFlash activation program.

It is solved in several steps.
For starters, we’re using FGtech’s .ept file
After the last step, launch FoxFlash.


Disable anti-virus before downloading programs.

Download Link

File including



Foxflash ftdi repair


1.Run Mprog

Repair Foxflash Ftdi Blank 1

2.Only shows USB serial converter in Computer device manager

Repair Foxflash Ftdi Blank 2

3. Upload V54.ept file in V54 folder

Repair Foxflash Ftdi Blank 3

4. Press this icon

Repair Foxflash Ftdi Blank 4

5. Write EEPROM and reboot the device

Repair Foxflash Ftdi Blank 5

6. Install KT200, turn off the anti-virus program.

kt200 online setup software

Repair Foxflash Ftdi Blank 6

7. Update the driver from the program directory

Repair Foxflash Ftdi Blank 7

8.Plug foxflash and start the kt200 service

Repair Foxflash Ftdi Blank 8

9. Reset Device

Repair Foxflash Ftdi Blank 9

10. Device is detected.

Repair Foxflash Ftdi Blank 10

11. Launch foxflash.