Launch X431 PAD V/VII vs Launch X431 IMMO Elite

What’s the difference between Launch X431 V, X431 PAD VII, PAD VII+X-Prog3 and the new X431 IMMO Elite pad?

Check table comparison below:

Item Launch X431 PAD VII

Launch X431 Pad Vii

Launch X431 PAD VII + X-PROG3

Launch X431 Pad Vii X Rpgo3

Launch X431 IMMO Elite

Launch X431 Immo Elite

Touch Screen 13.3 inch 13.3 inch 8 inch
Operating system


Android 9.0 Android 9.0 Android 10.0 open system
Storage 8GB RAM & 256GB 8GB RAM & 256GB 4GB RAM + 64GB ROM

All System diagnostic

Yes Yes Yes
Active Test (Bi-Directional Control) Yes Yes Yes
Auto VIN Yes Yes Yes
Special functions 32 special functions 32 special functions 39 special functions
FCA “Auto Auth” Access Yes, need to pay for license Yes, need to pay for license Yes, need to pay for license
Multi-language Yes Yes Yes
IMMO Function
Read and Write Key Yes Yes Yes
Add key Yes Yes Yes
All Keys Lost Yes Yes Yes
ECU Replacement Matching Yes Yes
ECU Cloning Yes Yes
Immo password/Data Reading Yes Yes
Remote Control Programming Yes Yes
EEPROM Read and Write Yes
Special Key Generation Yes
Read and Write Engine ECU Yes
Read and write transmission ECU Yes
On-board MCU read and write Yes
Read BMW Engine ISN code Yes
Mercedes Benz key programming Yes
Replace OBD reading Component Yes
BMW CAS4+, FEM chip read and write Yes
Key simulator Yes
Audi 5th generation steering column chip read and write Yes
Other functions
Update Free update online for 2 years, $569 per/year later Free update online for 2 years, $569 per/year later Free update online for 2 years
DoIP and CAN FD Protocol Yes Yes Yes
Extension modules 8 Extended Modules, ADAS, heavy duty, VideoScope, Oscilloscope, S2-2 SensorBox, TSGUN, Wi-Fi Printer, BST360 battery tester, X-prog3 8 Extended Modules, ADAS, heavy duty, VideoScope, Oscilloscope, S2-2 SensorBox, TSGUN, Wi-Fi Printer, BST360 battery tester, X-prog3 5 Extended Modules, VideoScope, TSGUN, Wi-Fi Printer, BST360 battery tester, X-prog3

(No heavy duty, ADAS, VideoScope, Oscilloscope)

Online Programming Yes Yes No

In sum:

1.Launch X431 PAD V/PAD VII has J2534 adapter for online programming and OEM programming. IMMO Elite cannot do online programming.

2.Launch X431 IMMO Elite focus on immo key programming functions, it will clone ECU/TCU, read BMW ISN, read eeprom/mcu, program Mercedes keys, program BMW FEM module etc, pad v/pad vii cannot.

3. PAD VII has more extension modules, ADAS, Oscilloscope etc than IMMO Elite.