Ford and Mazda diagnostic software IDS was released to V128 on Nov. 2022.
Software version:
Ford IDS V128.01
Mazda IDS V128.00
Compatible device:
VXDIAG VCX NANO Ford Mazda USB/ WiFi, Ford VCM2 clone with vx manager, other VXDIAG Ford VCI scanners.
NOTE: The free driver and patch are used for vxdiag devices. Free to try it on other devices.
Free Download
Ford_Mzd patch:
How to Install Ford IDS Software?
1. Install Ford IDS-1**
2. Wait for the installation of Ford IDS – 1**, and restart the computer
3. Install the Ford original VCI software_
4. Install VX manager and Ford IDS driver
5. Wait for VX manager and Ford IDS driver installation to complete
6. Connect VCX device and install idspatch
7. Use idspatch to open IDs and start diagnosis.
How to Install Mazda IDS Software?
1. Install mazdaids-1**
2. Wait for mazdaids – 1** installation to complete and restart the computer
3. Install VX manager and Ford IDS driver
4. Wait for VX manager and Ford IDS driver installation to complete
5. Connect VCX device and install idspatch
6. Use idspatch to open IDs and start diagnosis.
For Ford IDS you will need to install VCI driver, Mazda IDS does not.
Don’t install Ford IDS and Mazda IDS software on the same computer.