KT200 Software in Gray Unable to Select Driver Solution

One of our customers encountered a problem with KT200. He managed to install it on the PC but when open it (as an administrator) and with internet connection, everything is gray and impossible to select driver or anything else.

Kt200 Cannot Select Driver 1

Kt200 Cannot Select Driver 2

Here is the working solution:

1. Go to Device Manager and delete driver. Reinstall from installation.

2. Open KT200 Update Program and reset device, unplug and plug device, run KT200 software again.



We had to reset the device! Now it is working.

Kt200 Update

Reset Kt200 1

Reset Kt200 2

Unplug the device USB port and reconnect it

KT200 Software Gray Solution


Click reset driver again to open the software normally.

Reset Kt200 3

If not working after resetting device, provide your KT200 serial number. We would help check if it is a hardware issue via Teamviewer.

If yes, we can send a new KT200 host to our customers (ONLY).