Will obdstar x300 dp plus reset 2015 Dodge Ram 1500 TPMS tire pressure monitoring sensor?
x300dp plus does do TPMS feature but does not do this model.
x300dp plus is for IMMO and odometer function, TPMS reset is a bonus feature.
It can do TPMS reset for Acura, Benz, Citroen, Alfa, BMW, Fiat, GM, Volvo, Kia, Jaguar, Land rover, Hyundai, Renault, Mini, Toyota, Lexus and some Chinese cars ONLY.
Apart from IMMO and odometer, x300 dp plus can also do basic diagnostic and special functions including:
TPS, ABS, EPB, DPF, TPMS, SRS Reset, Fuel Injector, Gear Learning, Battery Matching, ECU Programming, Throttle Matching, Oil/service reset, Steering Angle Reset ,Remote Manual Setting, Electronic Steering Reset, CVT Learning, value Reset
Better provide model and year to to confirm before operation.