To set up your own auto electrical mobile business and you are hoping someone could point you what diagnostic tool and software options. I like the idea of having some good software on my laptop that enables me to do a lot of things. Read this article, someone would like to share their options and experience.
- When working for other companies I used the *Launch AUSCAN (X431) LV & HD *G-scan 3 *Snapon a little and a couple of others.
- These are some of the scanners I can get locally that I have considered *Autel MS919 with scope *Launch *Fcar (does heavy machinery as well) – these are ok but can be expensive.
- Forget a tool with a built in scope. Buy yourself an automotive 4 channel picoscope kit. Nothing else comes close to a picoscope for automotive diagnosis.
- Personally I’ve never needed to use a scope, as for diagnostics…. Many/Most of the OEM software is now supporting Passthru interfaces. A very good generic scan tool would be the Autel IM508, Passthru cables are easily available either via China (Clone-most) or CanTieCar. GM MDI etc. I’m also a mobile sparky in NZ, Have 20+ scan tools, Many EEP/ flash programmers, Kess,K-TAg etc , key programming tools, key cloning stuff
Really depends on your budget, start with a couple of tools, then add as you need.
Most of the software is available on forum for free, some for a small fee. As for Passthru cables , I was mainly using CanTieCar V4, now I use VAS5054a clone, MVCI Clone, GM MDI etc. If you are looking into commercial stuff like Insite etc, I would go genuine adapter.
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