Performing a Train (Relearn) sequence on the 2007 Chrysler Crossfire using the DRB 3 Enhanced Emulator and wiTech Micropod 2.
Firstly, have everything you will need:
1) Good computer knowledge
2) A laptop with a clean Windows XP or Windows 7 installation on it. Nothing else. Networking and Updating turned off.
3) A Micropod 2 Clone
4) Follow these instructions (How to install DRBIII Emulator for Micropod 2 on WIN7)
5) A TPMS tool to “chirp” the sensors so the vehicle can read them (I use the Autel TS601)
6) Perform a TPMS Relearn sequence using DRB III Emulator. Chirp each wheel when requested by the emulator. (Takes about 5 minutes).
If the laptop has audio, you will hear a beep after each wheel’s ID is accepted by the TPMS system. Four beeps and you are done. On screen instructions will guide you through the process. The individual wheel sensor ID’s will be read by the emulator and automatically programmed into the TPMS.
What process to follow?
I have run the sequence to perform a TPMS relearn using the DRB lll Enhanced Emulator and Micropod ll. The following 10 images show the sequence I followed along with a snapshot of each displayed screen from the Laptop.
I stopped at this point, because I am not performing a relearn at this time. Please note: magnets are not required when performing activation of the wheel sensors using a TPMS tool.
Thanks to @ John&Terry. This really helps outline steps required to clear the TPMS warning light after correcting any issues with wheel sensors.
Best working wiTech Micropod 2:
See also