How to Activate VXDIAG Benz EPC WIS Software?

Confirmed: vxdiag Benz c6 multi tool EPC & WIS require activation before using.  please activate EPC WIS by following the parts.

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Video Guide

Open “Xentry License”, then click on “OK”.


Open “WIS-EPC”, user: admin, password: 12345 (copy from “WIS-EPC User” notepad).

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Click on “Server” then “Edit the access authorization”.

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Copy “Lan-ID”. Then open “Computer” -> Local disk (C:) -> WIS, paste the LAN-ID, input number of users (253) and expiration date (2/26/2032), then “Generate”;

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Copy EPCnet and paste it to EPC StartKey.

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Copy “WISnet” and paste it to WIS/ASRA StartKey.

Click on “Save”.

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Click on “Programs”, then “EPC”.

Note: please click on “Cancel” to cancel the program re-start.

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Select “Option” then “Setup F2”.

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Reset the language as English.

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Exit EPC.


Back to “Programs”, then “WIS/ASRA”.

Click on “Run”, then “Cancel”

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Select “Option” then “Setup F2”, then reset the language you want.

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Now ready to use EPC and WIS/ASRA normally with vxdiag Benz c6 scanner.


Related video:

How to activate and use VXDIAG Multi Tool Xentry DAS?