Step 1: Read EEPROM
Disassemble ECU under the dashboard
Open ECU box, locate EEPROM IC 93C56
Desolder IC chip and solder it to UPA EEPROM 93CXX adapter using a hot gun
Connect 93CXX adapter and UPA with laptop
Open UPA USB v1.3 programmer software
In EEPROM, select 93C56x16->Read->Save with any name
Step 2: Write Key
In TM100 transponder key programmer, select Key Maker->Toyota->Corolla->ECU->-2004 (93C560(4C))
Open Last saved file again to add another key at any pisition you like
Press Write Key
Press Write Key
Step 3: Write data back
Go back to UPA software
Open last saved file in TM100
Select 93C56x16 and press Program to write new file to EEPROM
Solder EEPROM chip back to ECU
Reinstall ECU to vehicle
Test the new keys and start car.