Tech support: Error message “Failed to update” on Lonsdor K518ise key programming tool
Lonsdor k518ISE is OUT ..Lost APK and cannot start
Error message:
Failed to update
APK version: v1.6.0
Check for updates: check the current program version, update if new
Update APK: Update APK
Force to update: it takes a long time and some risk to force updating all data. Pls use with caution
Active regularly: the device is connected with the server regularly to active
Authorization update: proceed to update authorizations
Try to update
Click on setting
Click on force to update
The latest version is 1.6.9
Wifi connected
The machine should work now
This is the new look of the Lonsdor K518 latest version
Good to know about the latest update:
1- Updates will no longer remain for free, a payable subscription fee will be implemented within the next 3 months from today, cost details not disclosed yet
2- No more vehicles brand Logos display, due to legal intellectual copyright issues
Update failed…
If the solution here doesn’t work,
uninstall APK and try “oldest APK” to install factory-reset APK.
details can be found in the site
If your issue remains,
pls go to Lonsdor K518ise Tech Support: