Hi all,
Here are all experience of Chinese GM Tech 2 interface for SPS programming and hardware key issues. You will get useful tips/guide. Have fun.
Confirm your card with a brand:
Before buying, you should tell your seller: Will you choose GM or SAAB or Isuzu or Opel card?
Because every card to one brand cars. If you want to do more brands, they will ask your pay extra fee for other cards.
Hope it be useful.
Can do programming:
Chinese clone Tech II don’t have hardware key but it can do programming
TIS2000 dongle & sw make it:
The TIS2000 Dongle( the newest one is USB flash type ) and the TIS 2000 software could do the SPS programming . usually the chinese gm tech 2 kit not included it . you should point it speartly that you need it very important . may be need more $100.0 for the dongle and software
Work for cars 2008 or older:
You should use the TIS200 dongle and software for reprogramming SPS and access Immo SYSTEM but just work for 2008 year or older. for new cars, you should use the MDI module programming online
MDI instead for new cars:
buy GM MDI instead as it will run tech2win and do sps flashing and also do latest model cars that tech2 won’t do
Must have TIS2000:
the Chinese GM Tech-2 can’t program, if you want to do programming you need to buy the TIS2000 software. It has the hardware key.
Works well for one year:
if you consider to buy one, I can suggest you buy it using the site https://www.obdii365.com/ , I buy it one years ago, and it works well now, and they can supply us the technical support. I use it to program with the TIS2000 software….
Works fine for 2 years:
I bought a Chinese OPEL TECH2 interface off obdii365.com, from two years now and it stills working fine. If you use the right software you wont found any inconvenience …
There’s no need of drivers and Opel tech II is an Auto exec file, so it doesn’t need to install.
I Hope it’s been helpful 4U
Both 2 units work fine:
I bought 2 units from different suppliers, both work fine, until I bought the original tech2 card from one of this suppliers It does snapshots, and programming but one of the units wont accept the card, it seems like one of the edges close to the pin connector side , is been damage well one of the problems, the main problem I think is after I use explorer manager to upload the file to the tech2 card on my laptop I did it many times with no problems it work just fine, but after that day I couldn’t it goes up to 25% and gives an error related to power , couldn’t find a card of 12v or something like that, and the other card finish fine but when when I plug to the tech2 it wont recognize the card it displays downloading mode and that it, but a clone card work fine so I use this to diagnose, ifany body knows how to do a low level format or some fix like that in order to be able to use the card again please help.
Until today I’m using tech2 clone from china it does SPS and all, still working fine I have a software emulator for dongle it works great on American NAO, Brasil, Isuzu, I do SPS on all this vehicles with no problems. just make sure you get a card for SPS, snapshots and it will work.