Audi A6 Radio cassette recorder for decoding guide with carprog.
Audi A6 Navigation PLUS
Disclaimer: Credit to nikzubik. You are at your risk.
Connect the radio to the power supply 12 volts (connection scheme is on the top cover). We check the performance of the radio and see that it is actually encoded.
We remove the bottom cover and see
To unlock the radio, airbag, adjust the mileage I use the programmer CarProg Full.
Start the programmer, choose our type of tape recorder, in this case it’s Blaupunkt, EEPROM 24C16
CarProg 8.21 offers us a circuit to connect to the chip, Take the desired adapter (A4) and soldered as shown in the figure below:
We feed power to the radio and the carprog programmer and press the button to calculate,
After 10 seconds, a radio decode code appeared on the interface
We unsolder the wires, put the lid in place, Put the radio in the car, Enter the code, only you need to write the code with a marker on the radio tape recorder so that you do not have to do it again.
There is nothing complicated, only you need specific equipment, you can do without carprog, use any programmer that can read 24C16, and you need a calculator for such tape recorders.
Hope it helps.