BMW Ncs Expert Software Error in CABD Solution

When I go to work today, I open my laptop and connect BMW K+Dcan cable to my car, but I get an error when I try to read another module other than CAS of ECU module…

I have a problem with the ncs expert program, but I do not really know where the problem is.



“Ncs Expert Error in CABD! Look at CABLERR and ERROR.LOG!
COAPI-2000: EDIABAS or SGBD error


The problem is that the file version of daten is old …

And I ran INPA to see if the value was correct …


version do not match
Malfunction possible
SGBD version:3.000 (in INPA)
SGBD version:7.050
INPA version: 1.030


inpa also gives an error message … ㅡ.

There’s a connection to the car, but something went wrong to proceed.

And just came home and found the latest version of daten and downloaded it once.

I want to test it by connecting directly to the car, but I have to endure it again next weekend.

It was a little hard to find, but I must be satisfied that I found the daten file for E89 …

This is the first time you have completed coding. It takes more time than I thought …

For reference, I found that the daten version for e89 (e90) is 47.1 …

If you unzip the downloaded sp-daten file, there are 3 folders besides daten, cfgdat, ecu, sgdat …

I updated it all …

Below is the header part of the e89at.000 file …

// Auftragsdatei: E89AT.000
// -350-
// Erstverw.Klog .: 61.35
// Ident-Nummer: 6 933 698.5
DATUM 31.05.2012
// Kurzz. Datum Name
// Bearbeiter: EE-82 Obrman
// Geprueft:
// Verantwortlicher:
// Verantwortlicher:
// Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft
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// Rechte fuer den Fall der Patenterteilung oder Gebrauchsmuster-
// Eintragung vorbehalten.
// Verteiler:
// EE-82
// TD-433
// TI-430
// Aenderungsdokumentation:
// NAEL- Zeichn. xmal /
// Nr. Index Seite Kurzbeschreibung Datum Name
Disclaimer: Thanks to blitzguy providing the solution. You are at your risk.