Here’s little tutorial on programming and re-flashing mcu AT91SAM7S256 with carprog and jtag (including dump and program download)
We need:
1- dump+ program for JTAG
2- Jtag programmer
3-carprog programmer (carprog 7.28 or carprog 8.21 online version)
JTAG programmer pinout
Jtag 20 pin
Download H-Jtag software above
After the H-Jtag sotware is installed we can procced to configure:
Open the H-Jtag server and make the adjustments:
Select the port:
LPT Jtag setting:
TAP configuration:
Target manager:
Now connect the carprog full to JTag programmer and 12v supply and press “Detect Target” in H-TAG server, now the Carprog Mcu is detected!!!:
Now we procced to program the AT91 mcu:
Start the H-FLASHER and select the AT91SAM7S256 from the list
-Go to “4 Programming” in the programming wizzard and press “Check” to verify the communication with the target mcu, if all is ok the values must be:
Flash: AT91SAM7S256 0x270D0940
-In “Type” select: “Plain Binary Format”
-In “Dst Addr” select: “Flash Base Address”
-In “Src File” select the location of the AT91SAM7S256.bin in your hard drive.:
Now press the “Program” button and wait to finish:
If the progrmming was succefull you will receive the next message:
You can verify again if everything is ok by pressing the button “Verify”:
The programming process is finished!!, disconnect the 12v supply, then disconnect the programmer from carprog, solder the pin 55 wire to Ground (check the picture) and put back the AT88SC eeprom, reassemble the carprog and test it.
How to reflash AT91SAM7S256 mcu with jtag?
1- Remove AT88sc or lift AT88sc Pin4 only before erase the ARM7TDMI
2- Connect the CarProg clone device to USB cable
3- Connect the Carprog device to jTag device
4- Erase the ARM7TDMI by connect the WIRE Pin (in white circle) at VCC Pin
5- Config the j-Tag programmer like pictures
6- If the ARM7TDMI is successfully erased the program can be recognized in ARM7TDMI
7- Disconnect the WIRE Pin from VCC Pin
8- Program the carprog device with NEW Flash File
9- After successful programming solder back AT88sc eEprom to the board
or connect the Pin4 to GND
10- RUN CarProg device.
Disclaimer: You are at your risk.
Reference: Carprog full +rework+program download