Breaking news!!! OBDSTAR X300 DP and X300 Pro3 Key Master key programmers newly updated Toyota G key programming function when all keys lost via OBDII directly. Do not need eeprom adapter. Do not need remove ECU! Here we test 2013 toyota RAV4 all key lost with G chip by OBDSTAR X300 DP successfully.
Prepared two keys to do all key lost, the left master, the right one with a G chip to be programmed
Power on obdstar X300 DP key programmer tablet
Select Diagnosis in the main menu
In IMMOBILIZER, select Type 2 (with G chip 72)
This is the G chip
Select All key lost
Switch ignition off
Switch ignition on
Switch ignition off and remove the key
Configuring the system, please wait…
Switch ignition on
Configuring the system, please wait…
Switch ignition off and remove the key
The system pops up the tutorial of key programming through Obdstar X300DP:
“program keys as the following steps within 120 seconds:
A: program 2 master keys and 1 sub key
1- program the first master key, turn on the ignition and wait for 5 seconds
2- insert the second master key, turn on the ignition switch and wait for 5 seconds
3- insert the third sub key, turn on the ignition switch and wait for 5 seconds. The security light turns off and programming is finished.
B: program 1 master key (here, we should follow this guide)
1- insert the first master key, turn ignition on and wait for 5 seconds”
2- insert the second sub key, turn on the ignition switch and wait for 5 seconds
3- turn on the ignition switch quickly for 5 times. The security light turns off and programming is finished.
C: program 1 master key:
1- insert the master key, turn on the ignition switch and wait for 5 seconds
2- turn on the ignition switch quickly for 5 times. The security light turns off and programming is finished.”
Obdstar x300 dp key programmer does all key lost with G chip through OBDII successfully!