Successfully read VAG Passat Bosch EDC15P+ on bench by Kess v2 v4.036 Ksuie V2.60 ecu tuning kit.
Run Ksuite v2.06 software
Volkswagen Passat V with 2000 BOSCH EDC15P+ ecu
Read cable manuals:
Power supply cable
Obdii standard cable
Vag cable
Select ID to read ECU ID
Then Follow all the screen instructions in Kess:
Connect vehicle to stable battery charger to use this serial protocol
Switch on dash-board and check connection to go on
Starting communications…
Switch off dash-board to continue
Connect vehicle to stable battery charger
Switch on dash-board and check connection to go on
Identifying ECU…
Save ecu data
Switch off dash-board to continue
Select READING to read ecu data
Follow all the screen instructions to continue
Save ecu data
Kess v2 reading ecu completed