Useful tips are offered here when 2015.01 VXDIAG Subaru SSM-III Multi diagnostic scan tool had “Communication Initialization Failed” problem.
2014 wrx turbo
VXDIAG SUBARU communication:
VXDIAG SUBARU & laptop–> communication ok
VXDIAG scanner & car–> the light (car icon) on the device turned OFF
Error message:
SUBARU Select Monitor III
Communication Initialization Failed
Communication initialization cancel
Check your connection between vxdiag device and the car.
Then try to use vxdiag Subaru SSM3 software below:
Free download vx05 Subaru_01_2015.rar (712.2 MB)!5YcnXBiC!ipnGmoe1i5ZJZxxr04sXn08TxH7cE-7DApELvHbxXB4
Operating system:
Windows XP or Windows 7
How to install SUBARU VXDIAG SSM III V2015.1 diagnostic software
Firstly install SSM 3 then SSM 4
run ssm4
Ssm4 prompts activation, just click “Cancel”
open SSM3 to operate
You can’t delete SSM 4; otherwise SSM2 would fail to work.