How to Calibrate Miracle A7 key cutting machine Clamps?

Korea Miracle A7 is a world-famous key cutting machine among locksmiths. It is able to create keys for a lot of vehicles from Europe, American, Asia, etc. But before you start cutting a key with the tool, it is essential to calibrate the clamps on it to make sure the key would open the car. Here OB365 technicians have offered a quick write up on calibrating A7 key machine clamps.

1. Twist the red knob in a clockwise direction to start Miracle A7.
Calibrate Miracle A7 key cutting machine
2. Press “MENU” button on the machine and then the down arrow button to highlight “2. Clamp Origin Set”, then press the “ENTER” button to continue.
Calibrate Miracle A7 key cutting machine Calibrate Miracle A7 key cutting machine Calibrate Miracle A7 key cutting machine
3. Highlight “1. Auto” in the “Clamp Origin Set” screen then press “ENTER” button to continue.
Calibrate Miracle A7 key cutting machine
4. Check to make sure that the decoding probe is fitted in the machine then press “ENTER” button to continue.
Calibrate Miracle A7 key cutting machine Calibrate Miracle A7 key cutting machine
5. Fix a Laser key blank in the top clamp of the machine then press
“ENTER” on the machine to start Auto-Calibration. Auto-Calibration will now commence.
Calibrate Miracle A7 key cutting machine Calibrate Miracle A7 key cutting machine
Once the calibration is finished, the machine is ready to use.

Video: How to install Korea MIRACLE-A7 Key Cutting Machine