Outcode or incode calculator for Ford is useful when you need programming your car key by using Ford VCM, T300 key programmer or others. You do not need go to dealer to get pin code anymore.
You can use the INCODE, it calculates to match PCM to PATS module when installing new or secondhand FORD diesel pumps.
Obd365 launches several Ford Incode/Outcode Calculators, following are the three most mentioned including:
Item No: SS146 FMPC001 Incode calculator
Item No: SS23 Ford Incode Calculator for 6 or 12 Character+ SW Dongle with NO Tokens limited
Item No: SS23-2K Ford Outcode/Incode Calculator +SW Dongle+2000 Tokens
FMPC001 6 or 12 Character SW Dongle+2000 Tokens
What’s the difference among these three top selling Ford Incode calculators?
1)Ford Incode Calculator for 6 or 12 Character and Ford Outcode/Incode Calculator +SW Dongle+2000 Tokens support older Ford vehicles, but Ford
FMPC001 Incode calculator support newer Ford vehicles up to 2014.
2) SS23 Ford Incode Calculator for 6 or 12 Character can only calculate incode for Ford, but SS23-2K Ford Outcode/Incode Calculator +SW Dongle+2000 Tokens can also calculate incode for mazda, Landrover, Jaguar, Mercury and Lincoln, and No. SS146 FMPC001 also supports Mazda vehicle.
3)Ford Incode Calculator for 6 or 12 Character with no token limitation and Ford Outcode/Incode Calculator +SW Dongle+2000 Tokens need to install the software, but FMPC001 does not need to install software.
4) Ford Incode Calculator for 6 or 12 Character is no tokens limited, but SS23-2k comes with 2000 tokens and FMPC001 comes with build in 50 tokens, deduct 1 point for each reading of new model. No deduction for old models.
5) FMPC001 can be upgraded, but the other two can not.
For detail information and user manual, please check obd365 webpage.