DQ200+DQ250 MINI DSG reader arrived yester day after 3-days delivery from obdii365.com in China Shenzhen. And after I first-time usage experience, I would like to share the steps to install and use this tool. Aha, you may find I am the first kind man to do this thing.
Step 1: Copy the software in the CD, paste them to your local disk.
Step 2: Disable all Network Connection, make sure the Lan or high-speed internet disabled, including: the local area connection, wireless network connection and 1394 connection.
Step 3: Open the MINI DSG Reader folder, click “run me first registration entries”, and a windows dialogue popup reading: Registry Editor…, click OK.
Step 4: Click icon “DSG Reader” and a windows dialogue popup displaying License expired, click OK, then another one popup showing machine ID, press “ctrl+v” to paste, and click OK.
Step 5:
Create one txt file in the desktop and into it paste the machine ID, then send it to your seller for activation.
Step 6: your seller send back the license file activated, cut it and paste it in to the Mini DSG reader folder.
Step 7: right click the green icon “DSG Reader” to open it, then close the appeared screen, and again right click “DSG Reader”-send to-Desktop(create shortcut)
Step 8: connect the DSG reader to the computer and the car, then it will popup windows “found new hardware”, step-to-step to install it.
Step 9: click “my computer-device manager”, if you find “USB OBD II cable”, it means the computer and the DSG reader establish communication.
Step 10: Open the “Shotcut to DSGreader” in the desktop.
Now, you are start to use DSG reader to read and write latest dual-clutch DSG gearbox data for AUDI and VW.