How to update BMW Creator C310 scanner to newest V4.5

Newest version V4.5 BMW Creator C310 scanner is available in obdii365 now. Here is the process for updating process.

Step 1: Insert the CD software in the package into the computer. Open the CD software and find out Creator C310 V4.5 update bin file and setup exe. Open “Setup-V4.5 exe” driver.

Step 2: Click “Finish” button after successfully installing the setup driver.

Step 3: Back to the main menu interface. Connect the Creator C310 scanner into the computer via USB port.

Step 4: Select “Update” on the function list
update BMW Creator C310 scanner to newest V4.5

Step 5: Find out the “OBD-CREATOR-V4.5-ES. BIN” file in previous folder
update BMW Creator C310 scanner to newest V4.5
Step 6: The system will automatically run an upgrade. Please wait patiently until the process is complete.

Step 7: Exit the upgrade interface and ready to use the scanner.

NOTE: DO not power off during upgrade.

BMW Creator C310 vs. C110 vs. C100 Code Reader